Punk Rocking Menopause with Dr. Kelly Casperson – Ep 47

Punk Rocking Menopause with Dr. Kelly Casperson - Ep 47
Dr. Kelly Casperson is a board-certified urologist with a specialty in menopause. In this episode, we break down myths about estrogen, discuss the long list of benefits that come from being on systemic estrogen, along with how to maintain sexual vitality after age fifty.


In my personal life, my many of my dear friends are sex positive thought leaders. This is a group of incredibly sexy, powerful, sexually embodied humans who identify as women. Despite all of our strength and knowledge, many of us were completely blind-sided by menopause. Here are just a few symptoms: decrease clitoral sensitivity (oh, fuck no), brain fog (not okay), painful sex (not on my watch), rapid weight gain (some gained thirty pounds in a year), decreased libido, and a variety of weird and painful health issues that came on in rapid succession. But you can’t make a group of vibrant vagina and vulva owners go quietly into the shadows. F*ck that shit. So we went searching. And one of my finds was the wonderful, Dr Kelly Casperson. Dr. Kelly Casperson is a board-certified urologist with a specialty in menopause. In this episode, we break down myths about estrogen, discuss the long list of benefits that come from being on systemic estrogen, along with how to maintain sexual vitality after age fifty. Please join us as we break down the culture lie that woman past fifty should slowly fade into the wood work, while concurrently exposing that the truth, that we are wise, powerful, sexy and ready to open deeply into the gorgeous flowers that we are.

Dr. Casperson’s bio:

Dr. Casperson is a board-certified practicing urologist interested in the power of the mind and science to change our views of sexuality. Her podcast called You Are Not Broken which consistently ranks in the top 10 in the Apple “sexuality” category in multiple countries. It has been nominated for an AASECT award for three years running.

From that she has created online courses teaching women the fundamentals of their anatomy and physiology, discussing their limiting beliefs, and normalizing their normal female sexual function, to empower them to live their best love lives. Through the pursuit of a certification with the Life Coach School and the North American Menopause Society, she now combines her medical knowledge with mind-work to help women with surgical precision. An engaging and humorous storyteller, she is a nationally known speaker and is known for being approachable (like your big sister who is a doctor), making people comfortable with these often uncomfortable topics, and changing lives in the bedroom and out with her practical useful tips.

Her book: “You Are Not Broken: Stop Should-ing All Over Your Sex Life” is out now on Amazon
and Audible.

How to find Dr. Casperson:

About the Hosts:

Sunny Megatron is an award-winning sexuality educator and media personality. She’s the host and executive producer of the Showtime original television series, SEX with Sunny Megatron, plus co-hosts American Sex Podcast and Open Deeply Podcast.

Voted XBIZ 2021 Sexpert of the Year, Kinkly’s Sex Blogging Superhero of 2017, and named one of the 6 most savvy sexologists in North America, Sunny has been featured in Cosmo, Playboy, Buzzfeed, CNN, and more. She is also a contributing editor of XBIZ Premiere Magazine and a regular columnist for Sexual Health Magazine.

In her sell-out sex and kink workshops, Sunny’s unique brand of “edutainment” seamlessly combines her humorous lecturing style, interactive exercises, and the latest sexuality research. Sunny’s passion is helping people become their authentic, sexual selves by learning to overcome shame and shed inhibitions. As a lifestyle BDSM enthusiast, much of her work centers around normalizing alternative sexual practices and ending sexual stigma.

Website: http://sunnymegatron.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sunnymegatron
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunnymegatron
Instagram: https://instagram.com/sunnymegatron
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron
American Sex Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk
TV Show, Sex with Sunny Megatron: https://www.sho.com/sex-with-sunny-megatron/season/1

Kate Loree, LMFT is a sex-positive licensed marriage and family therapist with a specialty in kink, sex worker, LGBTQ and non-monogamous communities. In addition to her Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, she is also an art therapist, and has a second Masters in Business Administration (MBA). She has been practicing psychotherapy since 2003 and has additional training in EMDR and the Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) for the treatment of trauma, such as sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Her first book on compassionate, conscious non-monogamy will be published in April of 2022. She has been featured in Buzzfeed videos, has been a guest on Playboy Radio, and many podcasts such as American Sex, Sex Nerd Sandra, and Sluts and Scholars. She has spoken at universities, such as UCLA, and written for Good Vibrations and Hollywood Magazine. Privately, she has been connected to poly, swing and kink communities since 2003 and understands the hurdles, massive emotional growth, and amazing joy these worlds can provide. Her private practice resides in Encino, CA. For more information, please visit her on the web at KateLoree.com.

Website: https://kateloree.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KateLoreeLMFT/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kateloreelmft
Instagram: https://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ

Open Deeply podcast is not a replacement for therapy or therapy. Please know this episode has themes of sexual and emotional abuse and neglect. If you catch yourself becoming emotionally overwhelmed by this episode’s content, please get support. Call a friend, therapist, or an emotional support hotline, such as, 800-273-talk (8255).